Why Do Politicians Lie?

There are many great politicians that represent the people and get overshadowed by the ones the lie and traffic in disinformation

Lies, deceit and propaganda are regular tools for politicians and political parties. These tools are used to sway public opinion and create political change. Although many people use these methods safely, others abuse them to gain power and control. When politicians lie and promote outrageous propaganda, it hurts society.

Political lies are designed to have a long-lasting impact on the public. Many countries use propaganda to promote war or increase government revenue. This lying creates a false picture of reality and keeps people from questioning authority. In addition, outrageous lies draw attention to controversial issues by focusing on the worst result possible for a particular group. This way, people talk about the issue and become emotionally involved in the conflict.

Many historical examples of outrageous political propaganda include the Nazi’s actions during the Holocaust. Nazi propaganda often focused on the worst possible outcome for a particular group. They depicted Jewish people as evil, greedy and violent monsters. Consequently, many Germans believed the Jews were beyond redemption and had to be eradicated.

These tactics worked well to get people angry while simultaneously encouraging them to question authority. After Hitler took power, he used these tactics to start World War II. He knew that getting people angry over political issues led to quick, decisive action.

Using lies and deceit has tremendous power when wielded properly. Angry people will readily believe any lie that fits their beliefs, making it easy to gain sympathy or create political change. Nevertheless, many people abuse these tools badly, resulting in permanent damage to society as a whole. Whenever possible, increased transparency with authorities is necessary to prevent such misuse of tools as lies and deceit.
