White Woman Breaks Down Why There’s Not Such Thing As “White Culture”

  • Emma Ansah
  • U.S.A
  • December 29, 2024

The concept of “white culture” is a complex and debated topic. A white woman’s perspective on this issue, as mentioned in your question, highlights the notion that white culture is not a distinct entity, but rather a product of colonialism and cultural appropriation.

This argument suggests that white people’s cultural practices and traditions have been shaped by their history of colonization and exploitation of non-white cultures. For instance, the colonization of Africa and the stealing of land from Native Americans are examples of how white people have benefited from and been influenced by the cultural heritage of others.

Some argue that the idea of a monolithic “white culture” erases the diversity of experiences and cultural backgrounds within white communities. Instead, they propose that white people should acknowledge and respect the cultural traditions and histories of non-white communities, rather than claiming a distinct white culture.

It’s also worth noting that the concept of whiteness and white culture is deeply intertwined with systems of power and privilege. As Robin DiAngelo, author of “White Fragility,” explains, whiteness operates as a social mechanism that maintains racial inequality. Watch the video below to hear her take. 
