West Bank Crisis: Surge in Violence and Human Rights Violations in 2024

Image Credit, NRC

In the first half of 2024, the West Bank has witnessed a dramatic escalation in violence and human rights violations, according to the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC). The region has become increasingly perilous, with hundreds of Palestinians killed by both Israeli forces and settlers. The violence has not only resulted in significant loss of life but also massive displacement and destruction.

The data reveals a harrowing surge in fatalities, with at least 228 Palestinians losing their lives, including 51 children. This marks a troubling increase compared to the previous year. The exact perpetrators of some of these deaths remain unclear, but the trend highlights the intensifying conflict in the region.

Ana Povrzenic, NRC’s country director in Palestine, has criticized the response of Israeli forces, describing their actions as an unwarranted and excessive use of lethal force against civilians. She argues that the worsening conditions are closely tied to the broader political ambitions of Israeli officials, who are accused of attempting to assert control over the West Bank in ways that flout international law.

Israeli authorities have significantly ramped up their search and arrest operations. The number of these operations has nearly doubled from the previous year, focusing heavily on areas like Jenin, Tulkarm, and Nur Shams refugee camps. These raids, often accompanied by heavy weaponry and military tactics, have led to extensive destruction, including the demolition of 81 structures and the displacement of 499 Palestinians in these specific areas alone.

Nihaya al-Jundi, a resident of Nur Shams camp, expressed a profound sense of insecurity, stating that no one is safe from the violence—whether elderly, disabled, or children. The indiscriminate nature of these raids has exacerbated the crisis, leaving communities in disarray.

The demolition of Palestinian property has reached unprecedented levels. By mid-2024, 643 Palestinian structures had been destroyed, representing a significant increase from the previous year. These demolitions are often justified by Israeli authorities on the grounds that the buildings lack proper permits, which are extremely difficult for Palestinians to obtain.

Settler violence has also escalated. There have been numerous attacks on Palestinian communities, with settlers targeting homes and livelihood structures. A particularly devastating attack in Duma on April 13 saw settlers destroy several homes and other structures, further intensifying the suffering of local residents. Izzat Dawabshe from Duma described the brutal reality of defending oneself during these attacks, highlighting the extreme measures taken against those who resist.

Povrzenic calls for a more comprehensive approach to accountability, urging states to hold not just individual offenders accountable, but also to address the broader policies and actions of the Israeli government. She emphasizes the need for international pressure and intervention to address these severe breaches of international law.

This ongoing conflict and its impact on Palestinian civilians continue to draw attention and concern from international organizations and human rights advocates, who are calling for urgent action to address the escalating violence and human rights abuses in the West Bank.
