Unruly Protestors, Threaten Prime Minister’s Safety At Campaign Rally

Prime Minister Trudeau was forced to cancel several campaign stops due to safety concerns amidst unruly protestors.

As Canadians, we all have the right to peaceful protest and take part in the Canadian political process. What took place yesterday on the campaign stops in Nobleton and Bolton Ontario, not only put a risk to the safety of the Prime Minister, it was the utmost disgusting display of vile and unpatriotism by Canadians.

“The Conservative Campaign condemns the use of obscene and extreme language by some protesting Mr Trudeau’s appearances. Many families, some with young children, attend events such as these. It should be a positive experience, whatever their political affiliation.” Said Erin O’Toole of the Conservative Party

In the final days leading up to the 2019 E day, Prime Minister Trudeau for the first time wore a bulletproof vest on a campaign stop due to credible concerns for his safety. Following that event, a more visible increase in the Prime Minister’s security detail was established for the leader of the country.

“We all had a difficult year. And those folks out protesting—they had a difficult year too. And I know & I hear the anger, the frustration, perhaps the fear,” says Justin Trudeau re Liberal event cancellation due to security concerns. “We need to meet that anger with compassion.” Said Prime Minister Trudeau

In a time of crisis and threats to his own life, the Prime Minster’s only thoughts were keeping the people around him safe and offered sympathy for those wanting to do him harm. The leadership displayed by the Prime Minister is one of many reasons why he was elected to lead the country.

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