Unchecked Settler Violence Triggers Mass Forcible Transfer in the West Bank

Image Credit, Hosny Salah

The recent surge in Israeli settler violence in the West Bank has led to the largest forcible transfer of Palestinian communities since October 2023. This escalation has displaced entire communities in the northeastern region, leaving many more at imminent risk. The situation demands urgent and decisive action.

In the past ten days, 119 Palestinians were driven from their homes in the Al-Farsiya Khallet Khader, Al-Farisiya al-Zu’bi, and Ein al-Hilweh – Um al-Jmal communities. These forced relocations followed violent attacks supported by newly established settler outposts, which blocked access to essential resources like water. Now, Al-Farsiya Khallet Khader and Al-Farisiya al-Zu’bi are completely abandoned, while only one family remains in Ein al-Hilweh – Um al-Jmal, holding on to what little is left of their community.

The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), through its West Bank Protection Consortium (WBPC), has urgently appealed for intervention. Allegra Pacheco, the chief of the WBPC, highlighted the need for the United States, the European Union, and other key players to step in. Responsibility for this crisis lies with the Israeli authorities, who, as the occupying power, have permitted these violent settlers to operate with impunity under the protection of the military. The International Court of Justice has condemned Israel’s presence in the West Bank as unlawful, and this latest wave of violence only underscores the severity of these actions.

The crisis affects more than just these three communities. The entire Al-Maleh region in the northeastern West Bank, consisting of 18 communities, is either displaced or on the brink of displacement. The WBPC, which has long worked to support these vulnerable communities, estimates that nearly a quarter of a million euros in humanitarian aid is now at risk. Some of this aid has already been destroyed or looted by settlers, further exacerbating the suffering of the displaced.

These attacks by settlers are not only an assault on the rights and lives of Palestinians but also a direct attack on the efforts of humanitarian agencies and donors. Years of work and significant resources have been wiped out in days, leaving the displaced with nothing but uncertainty and fear. The world must not ignore these atrocities. It is crucial to prevent settlers from entering Palestinian residential, agricultural, and grazing areas. Illegal settler outposts must be dismantled, and those responsible for this violence must be held accountable.

This situation cannot continue unchecked. There is a clear moral and legal obligation to stand against these violations of humanitarian law. Immediate action is necessary to protect Palestinian communities and ensure that justice prevails before more lives are destroyed and more communities are erased from their land.
