Trump’s COVID-19 Drive-by draws widespread condemnation

Trump is making a mockery of his COVID-19 treatment at the Walter Reed Hospital

US President Donald Trump’s drive-by stunt outside of Walter Reed hospital is drawing widespread condemnation for not taking the coronavirus seriously and putting the lives of the very people trying to protect him at risk

Trump's COVID-19 Drive-by draws widespread condemnation

In the middle of his treatment, late Sunday afternoon, Trump decided it would be a good political stunt to exit Walter Reed hospital and do a drive-by for his supporters who have rallied outside of the medical facility.

In a Tweet from Walter Reed attending physician, James Phillips, he called the President’s stunt “insanity”.

“Every single person in the vehicle during that completely unnecessary Presidential ‘drive-by’ just now has to be quarantined for 14 days. They might get sick. They may die,”

“For political theater. Commanded by Trump to put their lives at risk for theater. This is insanity.”

Trump's COVID-19 Drive-by draws widespread condemnation

This latest stunt comes the day after vice presidential candidate Joe Biden stopped airing negative political ads against President Trump. The President has taken advantage of the millions of well-wishers and world leaders and turned his treatment into a political circus.

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