Trudeau Makes Major Financial Commitment To Rwanda at Commonwealth Summit

Canada is giving $250 million and setting up new embassies to help Africa deal with the food crisis

Prime Minister Trudeau’s arrival in Kigali, Rwanda, to attend the Commonwealth Summit was one of hope and solidarity with the people of Africa. Trudeau announced Canada’s $250 million contributions to help the continent address its food security crisis, which follows $514.5 million allocated by Canada for humanitarian food and nutrition assistance earlier this year. Global factors such as the pandemic and war in Ukraine have indirectly affected the country that is already in a worse situation than in previous years.

“Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has only further jeopardized global food supply chains, with many already under threat of famine due to drought and other shocks to the food system. Canada is unwavering in our commitment to make sure nutritious food continues to be available and accessible to the most vulnerable at all times,” Trudeau said.

On May 6, 2022, Canada joined 26 countries in signing a declaration on open and predictable trade in agriculture and agricultural products at the World Trade Organization to counter the food crisis caused by the war between Russia and Ukraine.

On February 24, 2022, ten Commonwealth countries, including Bangladesh, India, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Mozambique, Pakistan, Namibia, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zimbabwe, abstained from a formal UN vote condemning Russia for its war against Ukraine. Trudeau reminded countries that “they don’t have to make nice with Russia” and said India and South Africa should be persuaded to oppose Russia’s war in Ukraine.

Meanwhile, Canada plans to open a new embassy in Rwanda to get more factual information up close.

Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly believes Rwanda’s development is essential for Africa.
