Top 5 Free Trump Giveaways of 2020

  • TDS News
  • U.S.A
  • August 9, 2020

Everyone Loves Free Stuff

When your running for political office, promotional materials are the holy grail for getting a candidates message out to potential voters. No other political candidate has done it better than Trump.

Known for being a businessman, the President and his surrogates have given out tens of millions of free merchandise to Trump supporters. In the mists of the pandemic and sky rocketing US unemployment, the president’s supporters appreciate a free gift like his famous M.A.G.A hat.

Whatever your opinion is of the President, there is one thing everyone can agree upon; he and his surrogates are brilliant at marketing to his base by using free giveaways.

These giveaways are great ways to get their supporters to delivery their message in the masses. The giveaways are truly 100% free and some may ask to have the small shipping fee covered to have your free gift sent directly to your door.

Here are the Top 5 free Trump Giveaways of 2020

5. Free Golden Trump Bars

Free Golden Trump Bars

4. Free Silver Trump Coin (US)

For the Loyal Trump Patriots

3. Free Keep America Great Hats

Keep America Great

2. Free Trump 1000 Presidential Bill

Claim Your Free Gold Donald Trump Commemorative Bill

1. M.A.GA – Make America Great Again

The M.A.G.A hat will permanently be ingrained in the Lexicon of Americans for the next one hundred years. Make America Great Again, is right up there with former US President Obama’s “Yes We Can” slogan.

Free MAGA Hats

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