Tin Foil Hats and First Dates: Vaccine Talk on Dating Profiles

Ladies, gather ’round, because we’re diving into the weird, wild world of dating apps and vaccination status. Remember when “vaccination” was just a thing that kept us from getting polio or measles? Ah, simpler times. Now, it’s all about COVID-19 and boy, has it added a new layer of fun to online dating. Here’s some hilarious advice on how to handle those pesky vaccination questions on your profile.

Vaccines save lives. Let me repeat that: they save lives. Before we jump into the deep end, let’s establish one thing: vaccines save lives. Got it? Great. Moving on.

If you’re looking for a partner who shares your belief that COVID was a hoax, beware. You’re basically shouting, “The moon landing was fake!” It’s not exactly the vibe most people are looking for in a soulmate. Unless, of course, you’re into late-night sessions of conspiracy theory bingo.

Ladies, there’s no need to write an essay about your stance on vaccinations. The guy swiping through profiles doesn’t need to read your 5,000-word manifesto on why you think COVID was a plot by lizard people.

Here’s a revolutionary idea: just click the box. There’s usually an option for “vaccinated” or “unvaccinated.” Let the algorithm do the heavy lifting. Swipe left on the vaccinated if that’s your thing, and let it go. No need to go full-on “X-Files.”

Unless you’re into the whole tinfoil hat aesthetic, maybe keep your conspiracy theories on the down-low. Imagine this: you’re on a first date, and everything’s going great until he asks, “So, why did you mark ‘unvaccinated’ on your profile?” You launch into your theory about Bill Gates and 5G, and suddenly, your date is more interested in the exits than in you.

Remember, the goal is to find a connection, not to convert someone to your way of thinking. Whether you’re vaccinated or unvaccinated, just be honest and straightforward. There’s a lid for every pot, even if that pot believes the earth is flat.

If you do match with someone and the vaccination topic comes up, embrace the awkwardness. Make a joke about it. “I’m unvaccinated, but I promise I don’t think the moon landing was faked. Or do I?” Humor is your friend, even in the land of pandemic dating.

Think of the vaccination status as an ultimate compatibility test. If a guy freaks out because you’re vaccinated or unvaccinated, he’s probably not your match. Move on to someone who can handle your views with a bit of grace (and maybe a tinfoil hat).

Ladies, when it comes to the vaccination question on your dating profile, keep it light, keep it simple, and for the love of all things romantic, keep the conspiracy theories to a minimum. Whether you’re vaxxed, unvaxxed, or somewhere in between, there’s someone out there who’s your perfect match. And who knows? Maybe he’ll even laugh at your “COVID was a hoax” joke. Or not. But hey, you can’t win ‘em all!
