The GOP’s Assault on Women’s Rights in the US: Urgent Need for Action

Human rights are fundamental to our existence as human beings. They are the cornerstone of our dignity and the basis of our freedom. Yet, in the United States, human rights are under attack, particularly by the Republican Party at all levels of government. The assault on women’s rights, in particular, is nothing short of blasphemy. From striking down Roe v. Wade to imprisoning women for getting abortions, blocking funding, and banning birth control contraceptives, the right GOP is hell-bent on sending the rights of women back into the Stone Ages. It is time to sound the alarm in the US and take action to protect human rights.

The right-wing GOP is not only attacking reproductive rights but also the rights of minority communities. They are pushing voter suppression laws that make voting harder for people of colour. They are using tactics such as gerrymandering to remain in power and push unconstitutional and anti-human rights legislation. This cannot continue. They are promoting anti-LGBTQ+ legislation that seeks to deny basic human rights such as marriage equality and the right to adopt children. They are also undermining the rights of immigrants, pushing for harsher immigration policies that make it harder for people to seek refuge in the United States.

The right to choose what to do with one’s body is a fundamental human right. The right to access safe and legal abortion is critical to reproductive health care. Yet, the Republican Party is actively seeking to remove this right from women nationwide. The recent striking down of Roe v. Wade by the Supreme Court is a major setback for women’s rights. It opened the door for states to pass restrictive laws that make it difficult, if not impossible, for women to access abortion services. And in many cases, women have used unsafe methods to abort a pregnancy that has resulted in physical and emotional harm and death to the mother.

Furthermore, the right GOP is pushing for laws that criminalize women who seek abortions or even miscarriages. These laws are not only unconstitutional, but they are also inhumane. They punish women for exercising their fundamental human right to reproductive health care. The Republican Party is also blocking funding for Planned Parenthood, which provides critical healthcare services to women across the country, including access to contraception, STI testing and treatment.

It is clear that the Republican Party has adopted a fascist far-right mentality that speaks for the few but governs for the many. As a whole, they are not interested in protecting human rights or democracy. They are interested in maintaining their grip on power, even if it means trampling on the rights of others. This was none more apparent when the GOP supermajority in the Tennessee State legislature voted out two Black representatives for demanding stronger gun laws in the wake of the recent Nashville mass shooting. The only way to stop them is to vote them out of office.

Of course, it is not just the Republican Party that is responsible for the decay of human rights in the United States. The Democratic Party also bears some responsibility. While they are doing their part to prevent the country from becoming a full-blown banana republic, they need to be more progressive and creative with their messaging. They are getting their asses kicked by the Republicans, who are pushing false news, conspiracy theories, and misinformation. The Democrats need to do a better job of getting their message out and mobilizing their base.

It is time to sound the alarm in the US. Americans can not sit back and watch as fundamental human rights are being eroded. They must take action to protect their rights and the rights of others. They must vote in every election, from local to national. They must hold their elected officials accountable and demand that they protect human rights and democracy.
