Scheer Resigns Conservatives In Turmoil

Ottawa-After a scalding report by the Conservative party post-election team, Andrew Scheer decided late last night to resign. In the House of Commons at noon today, he resigned his position as leader of the Conservative Party of Canada. He will remain as the leader in the House until a new leader is selected.

In an emotional speech with the full Conservative caucus in attendance, he outlined that the party was united, and must stay united.  After Scheer was finished speaking a number of Conservative MPs shook his hand, tapped his back or offered a hug. The body language showed his supporters and who wanted him gone. It was an evenly divided group, supposing it was becoming more difficult to muster enough positive supports for the 2020 leadership review.

He highlighted the sacrifices of his wife Jill and children during the election, but no longer felt that they had the ability to continue making such sacrifices into the future.

Scheer informed his caucus early this morning in an emergency meeting with over 100 MPs in attendance. The Conservative party has a convention set for April 2020 which will now become a leadership convention. There will no longer be an election between now and April 2020 in the minority Parliament.

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