Québec Solidaire Calls For a Rent Freeze For 2021

Provinces across Canada has frozen rent increases due to the pandemic

MONTREAL, The member for Laurier – Dorion and responsible for Québec solidaire in housing matters, Andrés Fontecilla, urges the CAQ government to adopt a special law as soon as Parliament returns to suspend rent increases for the year 2021 and thus offer a breath of fresh air to the thousands of tenants who have suffered the economic and health crisis head-on.

“The housing crisis did not come to a halt on day 1 of the pandemic. Rents continued to skyrocket as thousands of people lost their jobs or faced significant income cuts. The explosion of demands in food banks and homeless shelters shows us that the most vulnerable have been weakened by the crisis. The government has all the tools in hand to order a rent freeze. It is a necessary gesture that can make a big difference for many families ”, pleads Mr. Fontecilla.

As every year, the Administrative Court of Housing is preparing to publish its update of the criteria allowing rent increases in Quebec. However, nothing forces owners to respect these rates of increase, and some take the opportunity to impose excessive increases, especially in a context of extreme shortage of available housing.

Québec Solidaire Calls For a Rent Freeze For 2021

For the solidarity member, Quebec must take great measures to prevent rent increases that would deal a blow to people already weakened by the health crisis. He calls on the CAQ government to adopt a special law to suspend the application of the modification to the lease for one year.

“In exceptional situations, we must respond with exceptional measures. Businesses have benefited from commercial rent assistance, but tenants have only had the right to temporary palliatives to get their heads above water. Preventing rent increases this year is neither far-fetched nor radical: it is common sense. The Ontario and British Columbia have already announced measures to freeze residential rents in 2021. Quebec can too, “concluded the MP solidarity.

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