Quebec Ombudsperson investigating COVID-19 death to seniors
- TDS News
- Eastern Canada
- COVID-19
- May 26, 2020

Quebec Ombudsperson investigating COVID-19 death to seniors. Over 31 Deaths At Quebec’s CHSLD Seniors Home
Quebec Ombudsperson Marie Rinfret has announced an impartial and independent investigation into the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux and certain public health institutions.
With CHSLDs seniors home being hammered by COVID-19, the Québec Ombudsman expressed her concerns about the situation of the elderly in many residences and is worried about the measures to ensure their safety and well-being.
The proliferation of deaths and sites of contamination have brought alarming findings into focus concerning the ability of residences to deal with pandemics when even basic care is not always a guarantee.

“ The current crisis is happening in living environments that were vulnerable to begin with and where there were known problems that were often criticized by the Quebec Ombudsman,” Marie Rinfret pointed out. “These include a glaring shortage of staff, difficult work conditions because of this shortage, a high turnover rate for care attendants, and insufficient oversight of private residences by the public network .”
Improving senior care and services – The purpose of the Québec Ombudsman’s systemic investigation is to shed light on the government and the health network’s response to the COVID-19 crisis in residences for seniors. The investigation will make it possible to identify:
- The required improvements in residences for seniors based on the events of the crisis and known pre-pandemic shortcomings;
- The measures to put in place to better handle future pandemics or any other similar crisis.
A progress report as of next autumn – The investigation by the Québec Ombudsman should be completed by autumn 2021. In the meantime, with a view to swinging into action quickly, there will be a progress report in autumn 2020.
“Québec must always provide services that meet seniors’ needs. It is also obliged to be better equipped to deal with possible crises as severe as the one we are living through now in order to protect the rights of the citizens who built Québec and who continue to be part of what it is becoming and will become , “ Marie Rinfret said in closing.
Also, Worth Reading
Quebec Coroner Investigates 31 Deaths At CHSLD Seniors Home