Quebec Health Minister Charest, Says Playball

COVID-19 pandemic – Minister Isabelle Charest announces the return of organized sport

TDS News – Today the government of Quebec confirms a gradual resumption of leisure and sports activities for all regions of Quebec as of March 26. The Minister for Education and Minister responsible for the Status of Women, Isabelle Charest, made the announcement today. 

The entire population will now be able to participate in activities organized in accordance with the directives of the General Directorate of Public Health specific to the alert level in their region. “What delighted me in today’s announcement is to be able to announce to the children and our young people that they will be able to find their teammates from March 26,” declared the Minister Delegate.

“I am very happy with the step we are taking today for the gradual resumption of leisure and sports activities. The measures announced will allow all Quebecers to reconnect with organized sports. Young people will be able to practice their favorite activities again and especially to find their teammates! Today’s announcement is the result of teamwork with partners in sport and leisure and I am confident that sportswomen will be exemplary while respecting health rules.” Isabelle Charest , Minister responsible for Education and Minister responsible for the Status of Women

Quebec Health Minister Charest, Says Playball

In the red zone
In the red zone, all indoor facilities will be open, including fitness centers. Training sessions performed alone, in pairs or between occupants of the same private residence will be permitted as of March 26.

In the orange zone
In the orange zone, the limit of the number of people who can participate in the same outdoor sporting activity is increased to twelve.

As of March 15, extracurricular activities as well as school outings will be permitted in stable class groups. Additional relief will come into effect on March 26 when students from different stable class groups will be able to participate in intra-school, non-contact extracurricular activities. The rules that apply for extracurricular activities will be the same as for other activities, ie a maximum of twelve students for outdoor activities and eight students for indoor activities. Again, a physical distance of two meters must be respected at all times.

Supervision and compliance with health measures

It should be noted that the practice of any leisure activity and group sport indoors must be supervised by a person responsible for compliance with the health measures in force. If the activity is organized by an association or a club, the measures applied must respect the protocol for resuming the activities of the federation or organization concerned.

For the moment, no inter-team or inter-school matches or competition are allowed. In addition, activities, whether indoor or outdoor, must take place without spectators. Finally, all activities must take place without physical contact.

Training and vulnerable clientele

In addition, whether in the red zone or in the orange zone, training of interveners responsible for ensuring the safety of participants, such as swimming lifeguards and ski patrollers, will be permitted. The conduct of these training sessions must allow the strict application of distancing measures and the absence of contact between the participants.

People who need support, such as those with a disability or children under 10, can be accompanied if necessary by a person living at the same address to practice an activity. If this is not possible, the disabled person who holds the Leisure Support Card can use it as proof of the need for support. In this case, if the distance cannot be respected, the accompanying person must wear protective equipment.

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