Poise, Leadership, Temperament; Mitzie Hunter: The Premier That Ontario Needs

This past summer, like many Ontarians, I was shocked to hear that the Canada Day celebration at Queen’s Park had been cancelled by the Ford government. Ontarians have enjoyed participating in this event that celebrates our beautiful country, and all that it represents, for over 50 years.

This cancellation is an example of our new Ontario under Conservative leadership. From cuts to critical programs, which have had a destructive effect on people’s lives, to events like this, that are the fabric of our society, the current government has lost sight of the needs of Ontarians. This is not the Ontario that I know.

Ontario deserves a leader that will stand up for all Ontarians, not just the wealthiest, and will create a province that is inclusive, affordable and provides more opportunities for everyone. This is why I am running for leader of the Ontario Liberal Party.

In response to the cancelled Canada Day festivities, my team quickly organized the “People’s Picnic” allowing Ontarians to gather and celebrate our amazing country and the multicultural mosaic of our communities. In Legislature, I will continue to stand up to the Ford government and fight for the needs of all Ontarians.

Ontario needs a leader that values education and recognizes that we need to invest in our students. As the former Education Minister, I was instrumental in increasing the high school graduation rate to 86.5%. As the next provincial leader, I would restore the post-secondary funding that was cut by the current government, increase the interest-free grace period for student loans, and create affordable student housing options. This will give Ontarians of all ages the skills and talent they need for a changing economy.

Ontario needs a leader that is focussed on building a stronger economy. From affordable housing, and a strong job market to accessible health care and transit, these are some of the key issues that matter to Ontarians. My tenure as CEO of CivicAction taught me that all of these items are interconnected and I believe that the people of Ontario should have access to these basic needs. My goal as leader would be to create a province that is affordable, supports the needs of our aging population, and provides opportunities for all Ontarians.

Ontario needs a leader that is committed to establishing a safer community for everyone. I have introduced Bill 129: The Safe and Healthy Communities Act with the goal of stressing the need for legislation that declares gun violence as a public health issue and ensures that Ontario hospitals have violence intervention programs. This is why I have called on the provincial government to pass my Bill. While I do believe that it’s time for the federal government to ban handgun and ammunition sales, I also support adopting policies to combat the gun crisis in ways that make sense for individual communities.

I believe in the people of Ontario and I hope that you believe in me too. Together we can rebuild this province by reinvesting in our people and providing opportunities for all. I hope you will join me in taking back our province. This is who I am. This is how I’ll lead. This is how we’ll win.

The Honourable MPP
Mitzie Hunter

Learn more about my vision for a stronger Ontario at www.mitziehunter.ca
