Pelosi Names Impressive Group Of Litigators As Impeachment Managers In The Trial Against Trump

Washington- Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi names an impressive group of experienced litigators to manage the Trump Impeachment trial. Representatives Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, Zoe Lofgren, Hakeem Sekou Jeffries, Val Demings, Jason Crowe and Sylvia Garcia will serve as the impeachment managers prosecuting President Trump.

Pelosi has chosen her most experienced group of representatives she believes can best articulate a persuasive argument in their deliberation to the Republican-controlled Senate. Pelosi hopes that a handful of moderate Republicans will break from party lines and vote with the Democratic Senators in favor of impeaching the president.

Once the impeachment managers have been chosen, the House of Representatives will vote on a resolution to officially confirm them as the lead prosecutors in the pending trial. After the resolution has passed, the articles of impeachment will be hand-delivered to the Senate to signal the start of the trial.

Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts will preside over the case and the US Senate will ultimately decide whether Trump should be convicted and removed from office. Removal requires a two-thirds majority vote or 67 votes.
