Parti Québécois Tables Bill To Better Protect Whistleblowers

Stronger protection for whistler will help to fight corruption

TDS News – The Member of Parliament for Jonquière Sylvain Gaudreault , filed last week Bill n o  697 , which aims to strengthen the current law to better protect whistleblowers. This is a tool for genuinely fighting corruption and promoting the public interest, he believes.

The Entitled An Act to strengthen the disclosure of wrongdoing and the protection of whistleblowers, the bill tabled by the member for Jonquière would go much further than the law currently in force, in particular because it would apply beyond only government departments and agencies. “The law, as it is, has shown its limits. We want the protection to apply to the staff of residences for the elderly, intermediate resources, subsidiaries of state corporations and research centers funded more than 50% by public funds, among others, ”said Sylvain. Gaudreault.

“On the one hand, whistleblowers – like the agronomist Louis Robert , fired after speaking, then rehired – would automatically benefit from better protection and a guarantee of confidentiality. On the other hand, conflicts of interest – such as that involving the former CEO of Otéra, a subsidiary of the CDPQ – would no doubt be denounced much more quickly. In short, the witnesses would be less reluctant to speak, knowing that they are not risking anything, ”continued the deputy.

He also wishes to take advantage of the Québec Ombudsman, by setting up an aid fund within it allowing whistleblowers to finance possible legal costs in the event of reprisals, an idea that the Parti Québécois has been promoting since 2016. The bill also provides for the removal of the obligation for whistleblowers to first inform UPAC or the police, which can block disclosure to the public. Once again, this measure is intended to encourage the reporting of wrongdoing and to promote transparency.

“We need such a law. Thus, the problematic, even revolting, situations that exist in certain retirement homes, for example, will quickly come to light. As elected officials, our duty is to speak out and protect the most vulnerable. I urge the government to quickly call the study of Bill o  697, “said Sylvain Gaudreault .

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