P.C Minister Scott Fielding Resigns

Is Fielding the first to flee a sinking ship?

Today, Manitoba Premier accepted the resignation of one of her most senior ministers, Scott Fielding, responsible for Natural resources and Northern development.

“I want to offer my heartfelt thanks to Scott Fielding for his dedication and over seven years of service as a cabinet member working to improve the lives of all Manitobans,” said Stefanson. “I would note Fielding’s work in a number of challenging portfolios including serving as Manitoba’s finance minister.”

“My time in politics has been incredibly rewarding, but after 15 years as both a provincial cabinet minister and city councillor, it is time to take on a new challenge and opportunity,” said Fielding. “I want to thank my family for their unwavering support during my time in office and the residents of Kirkfield Park and St. James for entrusting me as your representative to serve and help improve our city and province.”

Image source Fielding social media
