O’Toole excludes Scheer and his top lieutenant Poilievre from his Leadership Team

Conservative leader Erin O’Toole’s leadership team is 80% men

Newly minted Conservative leader O’Toole promised when he became leader to stand for all Canadians and to do things differently. So far his bellicose rhetoric has shown to be no different than that of his predecessor Andrew Scheer.

With dog whistle statements like “Take Back Canada” and pledges to be enact Trump style protectionism policies, should have all Canadians feeling scared. The last leader of the Conservative Party shared many of the same ideologies with Trump on race, abortion and the LGBT2 community, and it was not because he also holds an America passport.

Although O’Toole is widely seen as an extension of Harper and Scheer, he does deserve credit for not including the former leader and his top lieutenant Poilievre in his new inner circle of his House of Commons Leadership Team.

Erin’s choices for MP’s to serve on his leadership team is raising a lot of questions regarding his thoughts on the role women play in government, seeing as his leadership team is made up of 80% men. There are 13 female MP’s serving in the Conservative’s big tent, surely more than two are qualified for leadership roles. Under Stephen Harper and Andrew Scheer’s leadership, having a gender parody cabinet appeared to never an option and clearly it is not within O’Toole’s.

Whether this decision was done to appease Canadians with the veil of expanding the big blue tent or because many in the party have grown to loath the former leader, their omission to the inner circle has confirmed their irrelevance to the parties hierarchy going forward.

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