Nova Scotian Company SeaChange Turning Seaweed Into Edible Profits

SeaChange Biochemistry Inc. gets new equipment to take chemicals from kelp to the market

Atlantic Canadian entrepreneurs must take advantage of emerging opportunities to compete globally and create good jobs in the region. That is why the Government of Canada is helping innovative start-up company SeaChange Biochemistry Inc. commercialize its sustainably sourced chemicals from seaweed.

Federal investements in innovation

Today, Bernadette Jordan Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard announced a repayable contribution of $250,000 to SeaChange for specialized bio-refinery equipment.

Nova Scotian Company SeaChange Turning Seaweed Into Edible Profits

The new equipment will enable SeaChange to extract high value chemicals from seaweed that are in growing demand in the food and beverage, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. By scaling-up its operations, the company will be able to pursue new market opportunities, increase its revenues and create jobs.

Today’s announcement shows the Government of Canada’s commitment to Canadian businesses – helping them not just survive, but thrive. Projects like this one will help ensure that small- and medium-sized enterprises are able to contribute to Canada’s economic recovery.

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