New Brunswick Seniors Gets New Support Tool To Help With COVID-19

The new web site will provide seniors with information on COVID-19 and government and community services and programs

FREDERICTON – In an effort to help seniors, their families and caregivers during the pandemic, the Department of Social Development has launched Social Supports NB, a user-friendly website that contains information on government and community programs and services including for housing, health services and home care.

“There has never been a more critical time to get access to clear and straightforward information,” said Social Development Minister Bruce Fitch. “We are thrilled to be able to offer New Brunswickers a new option to learn more about services and programs. The department is committed to helping our clients during this difficult time. While we cannot take away all of the worry, we can make it much easier to get answers.”

The website covers a wide range of governmental and community services and programs targeted towards seniors and their families such as home repairs for seniors, Senior Drug programs, Extra Mural Program, Minor Home Repair Grant, and First Link through the Alzheimer’s Society. The website also provides details on eligibility and application processes.

The website also includes the Financial Help Calculator to help families and individuals determine how much they will likely contribute towards the cost of in-home support through the Long-Term Care Program and Disability Support Program administered by the department.

Social Development Minister Bruce Fitch

Social Supports NB has been tested by clients to ensure that it is easy to navigate. Seniors have been invited to test early versions of the site and changes were made based on their input, the words they use and how they categorize information.

“We continue to improve the site by adding new features and information, said Fitch. “We will also develop helpful tips for seniors and online forms.”

The website complements the recently launched 211 NB, a free, bilingual, confidential resource to help New Brunswickers navigate the network of community, social, non-clinical health and government services. 211 NB was launched in mid-October through funding from the federal government and in partnership with the provincial government and the United Ways of New Brunswick.

“We have already had over 1,200 calls relating to mental health resources, financial assistance, food access, shelter and more,” said Mischka Jacobs, 211 NB director of Community Engagement for United Ways of New Brunswick. “We are helping seniors get the resources they need to overcome isolation, access financial assistance and declare their taxes. We are helping parents find support for their children who are struggling with mental health.

We are referring women to programs they need as they survive domestic violence. These are very human needs. 211 is at the core about people. 211 is there to support everyone. No one has to be left behind.”

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