Netanyahu’s War on Hamas: Why Ideologies Cannot Be Destroyed by Force

The ongoing conflict in Palestine, spearheaded by the Israeli government and the IDF, is based on a deeply troubling premise. The current Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has declared the aim to wipe out and destroy Hamas. This statement is steeped in irony, considering that Israel had a role in the creation and funding of Hamas. It’s widely recognized that ideologies, like religions, cannot simply be eradicated. They persist, regardless of attempts to destroy them. Netanyahu’s rationale for the assault on Gaza rests on a false premise.

This sentiment was echoed recently by Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, who stated, “The idea that it is possible to destroy Hamas, to make Hamas vanish — that is throwing sand in the eyes of the public.” This admission underscores the impossibility of eradicating an ideology. Despite this, Netanyahu’s supporters continue to back his aggressive stance, perhaps knowing well that the destruction of Hamas is not a feasible outcome. This brings to mind the historical futility seen in the US’s inability to eliminate the Taliban, or the persistence of Zionism. Ideologies endure.

Complicity is evident among many nations, including the US, Britain, Germany, and Canada, who have largely stood by during the bombardment of Palestinians. These actions are often justified as a response to the events of October 7th, but this narrative oversimplifies the situation. While the atrocities committed on October 7th were indeed horrific and the desire to bring hostages home is universal, it is also crucial to acknowledge the decades of occupation and conflict that led to this point.

The cycle of violence has only been perpetuated by the extreme factions on both the Palestinian and Israeli sides, each denying the other’s right to exist. Yet, amidst this, there are Palestinians and Israelis who yearn for a peaceful, genuine two-state solution. This hope, however, seems increasingly distant as the reality that ideologies cannot be extinguished becomes clearer.

The unwavering support for Netanyahu from international leaders is not without consequence. In the US, this stance may significantly impact the Democrats in the upcoming November elections, possibly jeopardizing Biden’s chances for re-election. In the UK, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak faces plummeting poll numbers, with his party on the brink of a humiliating defeat. Similarly, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau sees his approval at historic lows as the 2025 elections approach. The German Chancellor’s approval ratings have also hit rock bottom, with the economy in recession after yielding to US demands.

Netanyahu’s government is itself unlikely to survive the year without facing significant upheaval. The question remains: why do these nations continue to offer unwavering support to a warmongering prime minister, knowing that his premise — the destruction of an ideology — is fundamentally flawed?

This unwavering support is perplexing given the global understanding that ideologies cannot be annihilated through force. As Netanyahu’s regime shows signs of unraveling, it is clear that the continued aggression in Gaza will only further entrench the cycle of violence and extremism. This situation demands a reevaluation of international support for policies that perpetuate conflict under the guise of fighting an indestructible ideology.
