MKO Stands in Solidarity with Black Lives Matter Movement

MKO Stands in Solidarity with Black Lives Matter Movement. Indigenous communities understand the struggles

Under the leadership of Grand Chief Settee, The Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak (MKO) has fought hard to ensure the rights and needs of the Indigenous people are respected and met. Grand Chief Settee has been vocal about the role and duties governments have to play in the spirit of reconciliation with the Indigenous community.

In a show of support with the Black Lives Matter Movement, Grand Chief Settee issued a statement to express the (MKO’s) show of solidarity.

“The death of George Floyd and countless other Black citizens across North America touches a nerve within First Nations communities,” shared Grand Chief Garrison Settee. “Indigenous peoples in Canada are all too often the target of police brutality, discrimination, and racism. As the Grand Chief for Northern Manitoba, I stand in solidarity with our relatives across Turtle Island who are standing up to ongoing racism and systemic discrimination.”

In 2020, three Indigenous peoples have been shot and killed by the Winnipeg Police. The three victims were Eishia Hudson (age 16); Stewart Andrews (age 22); and Jason Collins (age 36).

“The ongoing killing of Black people by police creates a deep heartache that we relate to strongly as First Nations people. We continue to confront and live with systemic racism, which is clear from the recent shooting deaths of three Indigenous peoples in Winnipeg. I urge Indigenous peoples and communities to stand in solidarity with our Black relatives to address these ongoing injustices together.”

MKO is working on developing a stronger working relationship with the Winnipeg Police to ensure the safety of First Nations citizens living in the City of Winnipeg.

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