Unvaccinated & Misinformation Are Killing The American People

Blame lies squarely on the politicians and media outlets that spread misinformation for financial gains.

By Dami Igbinyemi

As of yesterday, there are 37.1 million confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the United States, with 623 thousand deaths. The case count for August 17th was 139,872 cases, 83,291 hospitalization and 696 deaths. The states with the highest COVID-19 numbers are California with 4.2 million confirmed cases, Texas with 3.37 million confirmed cases and Florida with 2.96 million confirmed cases. Florida continues to be the state with the highest daily average at a staggering 24,720 new infections as of yesterday.

COVID-19 cases are at the highest rates since winter of 2020 due to the Delta variant surging through the country. Any progress made by states to slow the spread has been derailed by misleading messages and the unvaccinated.

Florida, Louisiana and Mississippi have managed to shatter past case records causing their hospitals to be overwhelmed and out of ICU beds. Approximately 60% of eligible Americans have received one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine and, 51% of eligible Americans are fully vaccinated.

“It’s going to disappear. One day — it’s like a miracle — it will disappear,” Trump said back in February 2020 “And from our shores, we — you know, it could get worse before it gets better. It could maybe go away. We’ll see what happens. Nobody really knows.”

The Florida Education Association, a union representing 145,000 educators, filed a lawsuit against Governor Ron DeSantis and the state Department in an attempt to stop schools from reopening at the end of August.

This lawsuit didn’t lead anywhere as Miami-Dade County Public Schools Superintendent Alberto Corcoran issued an emergency order on July 6th to reopen schools at the end of August.

“The governor needs to accept the reality of the situation here in Florida, where the virus is surging out of control. He needs to accept the evolving science.” FEA President Fedrick Ingram said in a statement.

Americans need to come to terms with the fact that COVID isn’t going away anytime soon.

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