Liberal Candidates Wake Up To Nazi Symbols On Campaign Signs

No room for Nazi symbols or any form of hate in politics

In every election, there are always acts of vandalism and racism towards candidates, and just yesterday, two candidates running in ridings with a large Jewish population had their signs tagged by Nazi and hates symbols. Candidates already face public scrutiny for putting their names on a ballot and threats and destruction of property, has no place in politics or anywhere.

“This morning, I was notified of acts of vandalism to some of my signs. I am sorry to members of the Jewish community who had to see these signs along St. John’s. There is absolutely no room for this kind of hatred in our community.” State posted on Liberal Candidate Tony Van Bynen Twitter Feed

Sadly, the hate speech spray-painted on Van Bynen’s signs was not an isolated incident. Fellow Liberal candidate Leah Taylor Roy, also saw her signs vandalized with hateful Nazis symbols and taken down. According to the Ontario police force, this latest act of vandalism is an ongoing attack on members of the Jewish community.

In a Tweet Posted on her Twitter feed, Leah Taylor Roy said; “I was deeply disturbed to learn from @YRP that my signs were defaced with antisemitic graffiti. Antisemitism & hate of any kind has no place in Aurora-Oak Ridges-Richmond Hill or anywhere in. We must stand in solidarity w/ the Jewish community & condemn this.”

Let’s hope cooler heads will prevail, and the ones responsible for spreading hate and destroying property can express their opinions in a civilized manner like everyone else, and that is in the ballot box.

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