Ladies, Ditch The PTA Smother Mother Vibe In Your Dating App Profile

Ladies, let’s talk about a topic as delicate as explaining why you have a collection of ceramic frogs: discussing your kids on dating apps. We get it, your kids are your life, your heart, and your soul. But here’s the thing—shouting that from the rooftops of your dating profile isn’t winning you any bonus points. So, let’s dive into some lighthearted yet effective strategies to navigate this tricky terrain without scaring off potential suitors.

First things first, “My kids are my number one priority” is about as necessary as saying, “I breathe oxygen.” It’s a given! If you didn’t prioritize your kids, people might wonder if you’re auditioning for a role in the next horror flick. So, let’s skip the obvious and focus on what actually matters.

Instead of making your profile sound like a dedication to motherhood, weave the fact that you have kids into a broader narrative about your life. Mention activities you enjoy that could include your kids without making it sound like a PTA meeting agenda. For example:

“I love exploring the outdoors and recently had a blast hiking with my family. Bonus points if you can keep up!”

This way, you hint at having kids without making them the sole focus. It’s about showing you have a balanced life.

If your “kids” are calling you Grandma, it’s time for a profile revamp. It’s wonderful to be a proud parent and grandparent, but a dating profile isn’t the place to dive deep into your family’s genealogy. Instead, keep it simple:

“I’m enjoying this new chapter of life and looking for someone to share new adventures with.”

This subtly acknowledges your family status without making potential partners feel like they’re signing up for a recurring role in “Family Ties.”

Instead of writing a novella about how your kids will always come first, show it through your values and interests. Talk about what you love to do in your free time (some of which might involve your kids) and what kind of relationship you’re looking for.

“I value honesty, laughter, and the occasional spontaneous road trip. If you can bring a sense of humor and adventure, we’ll get along great.”

This tells a potential suitor a lot more about you than a blanket statement about your priorities.

You want to find someone who’s cool with the fact that you have kids, not someone who feels like they need to attend a parenting seminar just to date you. Mentioning your kids in a way that shows they’re a part of your life, but not your entire life, is key.

“Weekends might find me at a soccer game or trying out a new recipe—extra points if you like to taste test!”

This way, your profile reads as someone who is multifaceted and fun, with kids being just one of many interests.

Finally, avoid any negative or defensive language about your kids. Phrases like “If you can’t handle that I have kids, move along” are a surefire way to sound unapproachable. Instead, frame it positively:

“I’m looking for someone who enjoys family life and is open to creating new memories together.”

This invites potential partners to see the possibilities of joining your life, not the hurdles.

Updating your dating profile to reflect these tips won’t just attract more matches—it’ll attract the right matches. Remember, it’s all about balance. Show that you’re a great mom without making it the sole focus of your identity on a dating app. You’ve got this! Now, go forth and swipe right with confidence!
