Jacob Blake, Another Unarmed Black Man Shot Point Blank in the Back 7 times

Jacob Blake shot 7 times in the back in front of his kids

This story is all to familiar in the US. An unarmed black man shot by a white police officer. With race relation at an all time high in the USA, this shooting further complicates the healing process.

According to several eye witness accounts, the police were called to intervene in a domestic abuse situation. As to how the situation led to him being shot seven times, remains unclear.

Several by standers filmed the shooting and each angle gives a different insight as to how the shooting unfolding. According to sources, Jacob had an lengthy history with the law and an outstanding warrant for his arrest, but does that justify the shooting?

To put in perspective, we put together points of view from a Black police officer and a criminal defense attorney for discussion purposes. It is prudent every refrains from judgement until the full story unfolds.

As of now, major rioting and peaceful protesting is happening in the city of Kenosha, Wisconsin. The mayor and justice department has put all officers involved in the shooting on administrative leave and promised an expedited investigation.


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