Iranian Government Denies Shooting Down Plane Carrying Its Own Citizens

Iranian officials have refuted the claims by US President Trump and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau that Ukranian Flight 752 was shot down by the Iranian military.

Flight 752 was shot down on Wednesday just minutes after take-off by surface to air missiles based on evidence gathered by Canadian and American intelligence agencies. Several videos have now surfaced showing Flight 752 being struck by missiles and crashing down in a fiery explosion. Despite those videos and debris of missile remnants found at the crash site, the Iranian government remains in denial about how the jetliner was downed.

“They are spreading lies,” said Iran’s top general.

The Iranian government has asked that both Canadian and Americans hand over any evidence they have gathered to the Iranian team leading the investigation. The Iranians have also retrieved both Black Boxes from the downed jetliner and have indicated they will not be sharing any of its data with agencies or governments outside of Iranian officials.

In a televised press conference yesterday, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau demanded answers, closer and transparency from the Iranian government.

The Iranian government insists they are conducting a thorough investigation that can take up to two years before they will be in a position to release their findings.

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