How to Make Your Dog Your Wingman Without Scaring Off Potential Dates

Image Credit, Thuan Vo

Ladies, we all know that having a furry friend is a major plus in the dating world—who can resist those puppy dog eyes? However, if your profile reads like your dog is the only thing standing between you and a life of hermitdom, you might be sending the wrong message. Here’s how to strike the perfect balance:

First off, it’s great to show that your dog is a big part of your life, but let’s not make it sound like you’ve created a two-person cult with your pup as the high priest. Instead of saying, “My dog is my best friend, my confidant, and the most important being in my life. No one comes before Fido,” try lightening it up a bit. How about, “My dog is my partner in crime and the best cuddle buddy! Bonus points if you can win him over (trust me, he’s a tough critic).” See? Same love for your furry friend, but with a lot less intensity.

Next, if your profile reads like a 24/7 dog worship session, it might be time for a little tweak. Saying, “I spend every waking moment with my dog. We do everything together,” might sound sweet to you, but to potential dates, it screams, “I will cancel plans with you to stay home and watch Lassie reruns with my dog.” Instead, try something like, “I love taking my dog on hikes and exploring new parks. He’s got a nose for adventure (and treats)! Care to join us?” This way, you’re highlighting your shared adventures without making it sound like your dog is a third wheel on every date.

It’s also important to show that you have a life outside of your dog. The phrase, “My dog is the only one who truly understands me,” might tug at some heartstrings, but it also suggests you might need a bit of social diversification. A better approach? “My dog and I are a package deal, but don’t worry, I won’t make you fetch his ball (unless you want to).” This keeps it playful and shows you’re not overly dependent on your canine companion for all your emotional needs.

And finally, while it’s crucial to be honest about your love for dogs, you don’t want to come off as an all-or-nothing kind of gal. “If you don’t love dogs, swipe left,” is a bit harsh and might scare off some potentially great matches who just need a little time to warm up to the idea. Try something more inviting like, “Dog lover? Great! My pup’s excited to meet you. Non-dog lover? No worries, he’s got enough love for both of us!” This way, you’re keeping the door open for all potential suitors, whether they’re dog fanatics or just dog-tolerant.

Remember, it’s all about balance. Show your love for your dog without coming off as someone who might have a shrine to their pet in their living room. Your profile should reflect that you’re looking for a human companion who can complement your already fabulous life with your furry friend. Happy dating!
