Green Party Donor Personal Information Accessible Online

The Canadian Green Party has recently come under fire for violating its own internal rules by posting sensitive member and supporter information online. The information, which was stored on a Google Drive, included personal contact information, as well as details about donations and membership status.

“The need for improved privacy laws that better protect Canadians stretches far beyond political parties, however. Corporations, and our own government, must also be compelled to improve their practices and adhere to laws that better protect Canadians. To achieve this, a Green government will prohibit warrantless intrusions on Canadians’ communications, ban cyber surveillance programs that use bulk data collection, end the routine surveillance of Canadian protesters and NGOs, and significantly increase the powers of the Privacy Commissioner. We will require companies to respect the “right to be forgotten” and create mandatory data breach reporting for all government departments, companies, banks and political parties.” Green Party, Data Privacy Statement as per its website

The party has since restricted access to the Google Drive, but the damage has already been done. Many party members and supporters are outraged that their personal information was made public without their consent.

This incident comes at a particularly difficult time for the Green Party, as it struggles to regain its footing after a series of tough election cycles. The party has been plagued by infighting and uncertainty about its future, with leadership changes and a lack of clear direction.

These issues have contributed to a decline in support for the party, with many Canadians turning to other political options. The release of sensitive information has only added to the party’s woes, as it further undermines public trust and confidence in the party.

The Green Party has apologized for the mistake, but many are calling for stronger measures to ensure that sensitive information is kept secure in the future. As the party continues to struggle, it is more important than ever that it takes steps to regain the trust of its members and supporters and to restore its reputation as a responsible and reliable option for governing.
