Gender equality makes Prince Edward Island stronger

Gender equality week marks another year of highlighting the important contributions made by women.

Islanders are encouraged to recognize and support women and the contributions they make to the growth, development and character of Prince Edward Island as part of Gender Equality Week.

September 20 to 26, 2020 is Gender Equality Week in Canada. This year’s theme, #BecauseOfYou, celebrates the many trailblazers, activists and advocates who are working to advance gender equality in their communities.

Gender equality makes Prince Edward Island stronger

Minister Responsible for the Status of Women, Natalie Jameson encourages everyone across the province to join the national conversation #BecauseOfYou.

“Many of us have people in our lives who have inspired us to make our province a better, more equitable place to live. This is a great opportunity to acknowledge their leadership and positive impact said Minister Responsible for the Status of Women, Natalie Jameson

Minister Responsible for the Status of Women, Natalie Jameson

One of motivators in establishing Gender Equality Week was to increase awareness of the significant and substantive contributions that Canadian women have made and continue to make to the growth, development, character and identity of Canada. 

The Gender Equality Week Act recognizes that challenges faced by Canadian women are also experienced by individuals of minority gender identity and expression. The Act encourages all Canadians, in particular men and those who do not identify as women, to become and remain engaged, during Gender Equality Week and throughout the year, in achieving greater inclusiveness and full gender equality in Canada.For more information about Gender Equality Week and this year’s #BecauseOfYou campaign, visit: Status of Women Canada(link is external).

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