Former French President Sarkozy Sentenced To 3 Years In For Jail Corruption

Sarkozy convicted of bribing a French Magistrate

Nicolas Sarkozy Former President of France was sentenced to three years in jail after being found guilty in a Paris court early Monday morning for corruption. Two of the three years for Sarkozy has been suspended.

Sarkozy and his lawyer at the time of his presidency was convicted of bribing a judge for information about the case against his 2007 election campaign. It was at the time alleged Sarkozy took illegal campaign donations from L’Oreal cosmetic magnet Liliane Bettencourt. The Bettencourt case was later dismissed.

Sarkozy was caught on tape by a French police sting implicating him trying to bribe French magistrate Herzog in 2014.

The former president is 66 years old will serve his time at jail from home while wearing an ankle bracelet. Although convicted, Sarkozy remains he is innocent of all charges.

Image source Sarkozy Twitter Feed

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