Flood Recovery Underway In Scotland

A clean-up operation is underway following heavy rainfall and flooding across parts of Scotland

The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (S.E.P.A.) issued several severe weather warnings for the North East on Friday, with a month’s worth of rain falling in some areas and record high river flows. There are still flood warnings in place across eastern Scotland. Several flood warnings were downgraded yesterday as the situation improved. There has been a return of regular rail service for those who lost power during the flooding.

To determine whether services have been restored, citizens can contact their local metro operator directly since emergency crews are working 24 hours a day addressing the cleanup. Some roads remain impacted by flooding, and drivers should pay attention to the conditions. Traffic Scotland updates the trunk road network, and Police Scotland warns of possible disruption. The Scottish Government’s resilience arrangements remain activated to ensure appropriate measures are in place.

Justice Secretary and lead Minister for resilience Keith Brown said:

“This was a serious flood event similar in magnitude to 2016’s Storm Frank, causing significant disruption in some parts of the country.

“As the cleanup gets underway, I want to thank local resilience partners and the emergency services for their ongoing work to ensure those communities most affected are kept safe and urgently get the support they need.

“We still have flood warnings in place, so please take extra care if you are out and about and do not attempt to walk or drive through flood water. The conditions continue to cause some disruption to the transport network – so it’s important people plan their journeys before they set off – particularly if they are looking to use the trunk roads or travel by rail.

“We remain in close contact with resilience partners, local authorities and the emergency services to ensure people in the affected areas receive the latest information, advice and support where needed.”

Vincent Fitzsimons, SEPA’sSEPA’s Flood Duty Manager, said:

“Across Sunday and next week, we’ll see intermittent showers as the clear-up continues. Recent days have shown real resilience from families, communities, businesses and partners across the country with how they responded. Localized surface water flooding of land and transport routes remains possible. Take extra care, sign up for SEPA’s free Floodline service and don’t attempt to walk or drive through flood water.”
