February 18 is World Pangolin Day!


February 18 is World Pangolin Day!

February 18, 2023, is World Pangolin Day, and the animals are vanishing. They are hunted and killed for their scales and meat, especially in Africa and Asia. Their survival into the next century is worrying. The African Pangolin Working Group and many other pangolin advocates worldwide are not relenting in their concerted efforts to rescue these animals and safeguard their place in the ecosystem.

“All pangolin organizations will be doing something,” Alexis Kriel, Co-Chairperson of the African Pangolin Working Group, recently remarked via a messaging app. “ We are busy defining a World Pangolin Day campaign as we head towards the 18th,” she further stated.

Pangolins are endangered animals and continue to suffer from illegal trade and exploitation. In a recent report, www.nationaltoday.com writes: “An estimated one million of these wonderful animals have been, and continue to be, harvested from the wild in African and Asian countries to meet the high demands for their scale, skin, blood, and even fetuses that are believed to have several different uses both in fashion, traditional medicine, and cooking.”

Conservationists and animal lovers plan a global celebration of these
precious scaly mammals. But we must always advocate for these animals outside the earmarked date for their international recognition. Now is the time to create a buzz and onboard millions globally onto the pangolin train; otherwise, these threatened animals may only survive for a short time among us.
