Error Messages In Trump’s Truth Social, Are Causing Account Creation Difficulties

Truth Social is Trump’s own social media platform to connect with his loyal worshippers

TDS News – January 8, 2021, was the day the former US President Donald Trump was silenced from his tens of millions of followers on his social network of choice Twitter. Within days, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and several of the more popular networks permanently banned or suspended the former president. 

The silencing of Trump left him with limited outlets to communicate with his die-hard loyal followers. Many have equated his followers to sycophants that cling to the former president every word. 

It was only a matter of time before several smaller social networks reached out to the former president to join their platform to use as his megaphone to his followers. These are the platforms that are often trafficked in extremist views and embrace hard-right ideologies.

Trump the “great deal maker” opted for option C, which was to create his own social network that will serve as his voice to his loyal group of worshippers.

This will be the second attempt at a social network by the insurrectionist president. From the Desk of Donald Trump was the first and failed miserably. Trump’s new social media will be shielded under Section 230 the “Good Samaritan” protection from civil liability for operators of interactive computer services in the removal or moderation of third-party material they deem obscene or offensive, even of constitutionally protected speech.

This is the same policy agreement Trump tried to abolish or dismantle under his presidency, he will now take advantage of it. Today was the launch of Truth Social in Apple’s and Google’s App. Store. And just as expected, it has attracted over 100K+ downloads alone from Google’s Play store from like pro-Trump worshippers. Just like any new App. launch, there tends to be hiccups and bugs along the way and, the former insurrectionist President’s App. is no exception.

We tested the App. and encountered many issues that prevented us from creating an account using the App or from the website. And in one instant that we were able to successfully create an account, it took several minutes and multiple error screens indicated an account already existed or operations error.

In anticipation of Trump calling it fake news, we recorded the process of our experience. It is unsure if this latest adventure of the former President will succeed or become the new megaphone for right-wing politics and extremist points of view. For now, it will have to be a wait and see approach if Truth Social is on its way towards global success or another bankruptcy filing by the so-called “Great Deal Maker”
