Emergencies Act Passes In House Of Commons, Ensuring Democracy Is Upheld

Conservatives and Bloc voted not to keep the Emergencies Act in place that has broken up the so-called Freedom Convoy siege in Ottawa

What was supposed to be a week of substantive debate in the House of Commons regarding invoking the Emergencies Act by the Federal government, turned into rhetoric-filled heavy-handed support for the illegal blockades from the Conservative Party in favour of the so-called Freedom Convoy.

Everyone has the right to peaceful protest in Canada, but the convoy had no interest in doing so. Led by people who align themselves with extreme right-wing and white supremacist points of view, call into question why the Conservative party continues to embrace the convoy.

As expected, the vote went right along party lines to support the Emergencies Act, 185 MPs for and 151 MPs against. The NDP and lone Green Party member voted with the Liberal government, while the Conservative Party and Bloc voted not to support the Act.

Ottawa and cities across the country had been under siege by the so-called Freedom Convoy for weeks and had it not been for the Emergencies Act invoked by the Prime Minister, Canadians could have been looking at their version of the January 6th insurrection that took place in the United States.

The motion will now go to the Canadian Senate for a vote on the government’s request. Although Senators are independent, they all have strong party ties leaving Canadians uncertain how they plan to vote. Unlike other Countries, Senators in Canada are appointed, and a vote against an Act passed by a democratically elected government should be unconstitutional.
