Dating in the Woods: Avoiding the Kathy Bates ‘Misery’ Trap

Image Credit, Pete Linforth

Ah, the tangled web of online dating – where finding love can feel like navigating a maze blindfolded, armed only with a smartphone and a questionable wifi connection. So, you’re a woodland recluse in search of a kindred spirit amidst the trees? Fear not, for I bring forth the ancient scrolls of dating wisdom, tailored specifically for those who dwell in the heart of nature’s embrace.

Your dark, shadowy woods might look serene to you, but to others, it screams “Netflix documentary waiting to happen.” Lighten up those profile pics! Swap those murky forest shots for images that exude charm and approachability. Think sunny picnics, cozy cabin selfies (sans chainsaws, preferably), and perhaps a snapshot with your non-furry woodland pals.

Be the nature-loving adventurer, not the solitary figure from a horror flick. Mention the tranquility and peace you find in nature, the beauty of the changing seasons, and how you love to stargaze. Avoid phrases like “remote and isolated” or “perfect place to never hear screams,” as these might just raise a few eyebrows.

Let’s showcase your adventurous side without veering into survivalist territory. Instead of regaling potential matches with tales of solo treks into the heart of darkness, focus on your love for exploring new trails, chasing sunsets, and perhaps even mastering the art of campfire cuisine (no human sacrifices required, I assure you).

Ah, the elephant in the woods – the unfortunate fate of black characters in horror movies. Yes, we’ve all seen the trope, but fear not! Address it head-on with a hearty dose of humor. “I know what you’re thinking: ‘Isn’t this where the black guy dies first in every horror movie?’ Well, fret not, dear friend! I’ve got a strict ‘no spooky stuff’ policy and enough marshmallows to ward off any lurking monsters.”

Dreaming of finding your perfect match? Make your intentions clear without sounding like you’re casting for a slasher flick. “Seeking someone to share moonlit strolls, impromptu dance parties, and the occasional bear sighting. Don’t worry, I’ve got pepper spray and a mean rendition of ‘Stayin’ Alive’ ready for any forest shenanigans.”

Instead of dwelling on the isolation, highlight the tranquility of your sylvan sanctuary. Talk about lazy afternoons spent swinging in hammocks, the therapeutic powers of forest bathing, and how your woodland abode is the ultimate zen retreat (minus the wifi, of course).

When extending the invitation to visit, make it sound less like a survival challenge and more like a whimsical adventure. “Come join me in my enchanted forest, where the only things lurking in the shadows are friendly woodland critters and maybe the occasional gnome. We’ll roast marshmallows, tell ghost stories (the friendly kind), and if you’re lucky, I’ll even teach you the secret handshake of the forest folk.”

And there you have it, dear woodland recluse. Armed with charm, humor, and a touch of woodland magic, you’re ready to swipe right into the embrace of your very own forest prince or princess. After all, love may be a journey, but it’s certainly a lot more fun with someone to share the trail mix. Just remember, this isn’t a Kathy Bates “Misery” scenario – no breaking legs in the cabin or Jason Voorhees mask-wearing here, unless it’s a facemask!
