Conservatives elect O’toole as new party leader: Another Harper disciple, Scheer 2.0?

O’Toole’s elections will see years of Trump style devise rhetoric

After months and months of vigorous campaigning and divisive rhetoric filled speeches, the Conservative Party of Canada elected Erin O’Toole as their next leader. In what was built up to be a perfect night where the party would see the passing of the torch by Scheer, turned out to be night filled mechanical failures of the ballot counting machines and spoiled ballots.

Once the mechanical bolts were tightened and thousands of ballots counted by hand, and several rounds of voting, O’Toole emerged as the eventual winner.

Conservatives elect O'toole as new party leader: Another Harper disciple, Scheer 2.0?

With the election of O’Toole, the Conservatives get another Harper disciple who is arguably worse than Andrew Scheer with his rhetoric. Canadians can expect nothing but insults up on insults being hurled at the government while he is at the helm.

O’Toole’s hubris will ultimately see him join forces with the Bloc and cash strapped NDP to bring down the Trudeau government and trigger and early election in the middle of a pandemic.

Like all conservative leaders before him, O’Toole promised and open big tent where everyone is welcomed. “I believe that whether you are Black, white, brown or from any race or creed, whether you are LGBT or straight, whether you are an Indigenous Canadian or have joined the Canadian family three weeks ago or three generations ago.” Said O’Toole

Sadly this has never been the case. The Conservative Party has never openly welcomed members of the LGBTQ2 community nor have they have been a party that reflects minorities and their record on Indigenous rights are abysmal.

Conservatives elect O'toole as new party leader: Another Harper disciple, Scheer 2.0?

The election of O’Toole will see ugly Trump style politics for the duration of his leadership. As long as the Conservatives continue to cling to their “conservative values” and rhetoric filled speeches, they will be successful in dividing the country instead of trying to bring it together.

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