Canada Strongly Condemns Israel’s Expansion Into Palestinian Territories

The re-election of Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu as Israel’s Prime Minister further complicates matters in the region. He has been seen as a hard-right leader with little regard for wanting a lasting truce between the Palestinians. It is also problematic to see him fill his cabinet with several right winged anti arab Ministers to govern.

Netanyahu’s latest push to demolish settlements and displace the Palestinian people from the region, with the attempt to retroactively legalize nine illegal settlement outposts in the West Bank, as well as plans to pursue the construction of new housing in existing settlements, has prompted the government of Canada to issue its strongest worded statement of condemning Israel.

“Canada strongly opposes the expansion of settlements. Such unilateral actions jeopardize efforts to achieve comprehensive, just and lasting peace. This has been Canada’s longstanding policy.

“We are also deeply disturbed by the growing instability and loss of life in Israel and in the West Bank. Canada stands firmly with the Israeli and Palestinian peoples in their right to live in peace, security, with dignity and without fear. We unequivocally condemn all acts of terrorism and violence against civilians.

“Canada remains committed to the goal of a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East, including the creation of a Palestinian state living side by side in peace and security with Israel. Canada stands ready to support all efforts for a two-state solution as the basis for a lasting peace in the region.” Said, Mélanie Joly, Minister of Foreign Affairs

According to the United Nations, (UN) Israel is an apartheid state, and Netanyahu’s coalition government is as stable as a house of cards; it is not unrealistic to hypothesize the region is heading for more unrest and escalating violence under Netanyahu. The UN further adds that Israel’s treatment of the Palestinian people is considered and “Open Air Prison.”

With the revolving door of elected heads of state in the region, it is hard not to assert that there will never be peace between Israel and Palestine. While it is true that the conflict between these two sides has persisted for many years and that finding a solution will require addressing a wide range of complex and difficult issues, it is important to recognize that there have been periods of relative calm and cooperation in the past, and there is always the possibility of finding a way forward towards a more peaceful and stable future.

There are many factors that contribute to the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine, including historical and political issues, land settlement, cultural differences, and religious and ideological differences. Resolving these issues will require a sustained and committed effort on the part of both sides, as well as the support of the international community.

One of the key challenges in finding a solution to the conflict is the lack of trust and mutual understanding between Israelis and Palestinians. Over the years, both sides have engaged in actions that have fueled resentment and mistrust, and finding a way to build bridges and promote reconciliation will be crucial for moving forward.

Another challenge is the lack of a clear and viable path toward a peaceful resolution. There have been numerous efforts to negotiate a peace settlement over the years. Still, these have often been stymied by competing interests and a lack of willingness to compromise on both sides.

Despite these challenges, it is important to remain hopeful and to continue working towards a peaceful resolution to the conflict. There are many individuals and organizations on both sides who are committed to finding a way forward, and there are examples of cooperation and collaboration that give a reason for hope. It will not be easy, and it will require patience and persistence, but it is important to keep working toward a more peaceful and stable future for all those involved.

Image was taken at the time Joly address the United Nations 2022
