$2.3M COVID-19 Funding For Saskatchewan Indigenous Community

$2.3M COVID-19 Funding For Saskatchewan Indigenous Community. First Nations & Métis Communities Funding

Meadow Lake Tribal Chief, Richard Ben, Métis Nation–Saskatchewan (MN-S) President, Glen McCallum, Minister of Indigenous Services Marc Miller, and Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations Carolyn Bennett announced $2.3 million in support of the ongoing effort to combat COVID-19 in northwestern Saskatchewan.

This funding supports the North West Saskatchewan Pandemic Response Plan, a collective effort between First Nation, Métis, municipal, provincial, and federal partners to coordinate the response to the growing numbers of COVID-19 cases in northwestern Saskatchewan. Meadow Lake Tribal Council and Métis Nation–Saskatchewan have undertaken exemplary collaboration in leading the response to this significant outbreak.

“Meadow Lake Tribal Council will continue to work with the Northwest communities to address the COVID-19 pandemic. We appreciate the support from Indigenous Services Canada and acknowledge the work of Minister Marc Miller and Minister Carolyn Bennett and their staff in the regional office.” Chief Richard Ben Chief, Meadow Lake Tribal Council

The funds will be jointly administered and will complement the ongoing community-based efforts to conquer COVID-19 in the region, including supporting security checkpoints in impacted communities, measures to address food security, provision of homecare supplies, and enhancement of regional and community capacity, including youth engagement. The safety and security of all is the number one priority and these funds will support measures to protect the vulnerable and help those who need it the most.

Indigenous Services Canada continues to work with Indigenous leaders and communities, as well as, all levels of government, to address issues of food security, testing and health services with real and tangible actions during this difficult time.” The Honourable Marc Miller Minister of Indigenous Services

Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) will continue to work with the North West Communities Incident Command Centre, including provincial health authorities, First Nations, and Métis communities in the area to support their efforts through increased access to testing, enhanced surveillance, strong contact tracing and infection prevention and control measures. This funding builds on ISC’s ongoing commitment to communities in the northwest which includes financial support and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

Also, Worth Reading
Prime Minister Addresses COVID-19 With National Indigenous Leaders
